Coleman takes to things so effortlessly. My mom came to pick him up to spend the night with her. I woke Coleman up from his nap, like many he is quite unsociable for the first few minutes. To help pull him out of the drowsies, I often entice him with an "Icee that we made." We bought from IKEA one of those ice trays, you pour juice in, put a stick in it, a few hours later you have a frozen pop sickle. Coleman calls them "Icee that we made."
I'm putting on fresh clothes, here come the questions.
"Where are we going daddy?"
"You're going to Grandma's house."
"I'm going to Grandma's house?" (He's a repeater.)
"Yes Grandma's house."
"Otay." "Why I going there?"
"It's a special treat."
"It's a special treat?"
"Yes a special treat."
"Otay." "You coming daddy?"
"No I'm not coming."
"You not coming?"
"No daddy's not coming."
"Otay." "Mama coming?"
"No mama's not coming."
"Mama's not coming?"
"No she's not."
"Otay." .... "Daddy?"
"Put your sweatshirt on."
"Put my sweatshirt on?"
"It's chilly outside."
"It's chilly outside?"
"Yes it's chilly outside."
"Daddy, what is chilly outside."
"Means it's cold outside."
"It's cold outside?"
"Yes it's cold outside." I strap him into the stroller.
"Coleman, I got something for you."
"For me daddy, you got something for me?"
"What is it daddy?"
I have a stash of lollipops from Commerce Bank (they give them away for free) I stick one in his sweatshirt pocket. "Save this for the ride to Grandma's house."
"For me daddy, that's for me?"
"Yes for you."
"Thanks daddy."
"Your welcome."
"Bye daddy."
"Bye, bye Coleman."
"Daddy kiss." I give him a kiss.
"Daddy hug." I give him a hug.
"Bye daddy."
I feel very lucky.
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