I thought she was kidding. According to everyone else, it was time for Coleman's first haircut. I was fine with his hair. It's still baby soft and unruly, kinda like Coleman. But maybe it was time for a trim. Roz said she wanted to get him a Mohawk. That's silly. My son's not getting a Mohawk. She took him with her when she went to get her hair done. She told me she would ask the stylist if he could cut Coleman's hair. Apparently it was relatively uneventful, he sat in Roz's lap, the hairdresser cut his hair, he didn't cry, squirmed as per a two year old should squirm. And my son came home with a Mohawk. It's actually not severe, the sides of his head aren't shaved, so it's kind of a Fauxhawk.
He's two, it's only hair and it's the first countless haircuts over a lifetime, but I hate it. I just hate it. Not really sure why, he's still incredibly cute. I just hate it.
Maybe it's the beginning of all the decisions I will have nothing to do with. All the things I'm gonna have to choose whether or not to fight over. What do I do the first time he walks in here with his pants around his thighs? What do I do when he wants a tattoo or big fake diamond earrings in both ears? Or he won't eat anything orange?
No more Mohawks.
This sounds soooo familiar. My husband just gave our 14 month old her first hair cut. She has Mommy's thick, coarse, unruly hair, and he thought it would be easier on her if we shortened it. I protested, but I figured this was one battle not worth fighting. He only cut off about 1 1/2 inches or so. Her little 'fro is cute, but that's the last cut!
Let there be HAIR! Wild nappy and unruly...Let there be HAIR!
Kahlil Gibran says "Your children are not YOUR children
they are the sons and daugthers of life's longing for itself..."
Mo/faux hawk...I like it!
Uh, I love the mohawk. Sorry.
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