Five years. Me and Ms. Roz. Five years today.
Earlier this week, we went to the restaurant where we had our very first date. A little Italian bistro in Chelsea. By chance, the waiter seated us at the exact same table.
Our first date was 7 years ago.
Do you know the story? I'll tell you.
Roz and I were both actors. We each answered an add in Backstage for a short film. Somehow we made it through the piles and piles of headshots that I'm sure were received and we were called in to audition.
Here's the kicker. The part Roz ended up playing (the lead as she always reminds me) was written for a man, but the director liked her so much he changed it to a woman. The part I auditioned for I was really too young for, but the director liked my audition so much, he wrote a little part for me. The director's name is Jono, he and his wife and newborn were at our wedding.
The name of the short film is "The Window."
The Window - A glimpse - there's a poetic connection to be made, I'm afraid I'm not deep enough to make it.
Now here we are. In life together.
In wedded life.
In family life.
In business life.
All the billions of people in the world - Yet the randomness of this union feels like it's supposed to be this way. Give a shout out to the Man!!
Toast to our friends in the 5 year married/toddler club - Gerald and Stephanie, Charles and Nathania.
And of course to my beloved-
Roz Coleman
Rosalyn Coleman Williams - thank you for randomly selecting to make me yours.
Love and 5 more and 5 more and 5 more...
Marraige is miraculous. Congrats on your wedding, and it such a blessing that you two get to drive eachother crazy all day and then make up
Love Camille
dijfweCongrats you two. Keep talking, keep dating keep growing.
Love you both ...MAdly!
absolutley beautiful blog and so fitting because so are the two of you and Coleman! love, RR
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