I'm having good Karma. I left my cell phone in a taxi. The next passenger called Roz's phone from mine to say he was leaving it at a bar he was going to. I got it back the next day.
A few weeks before that Roz and I found a cell phone in the lobby of our building, we scrolled through the contact list and knew right away it was a kid's phone, there were no dignified names like Constance or Alibastair - every name was Kiki or Nay Nay, or La La or Tre Boom, we scrolled until we found mom. Mom sounded as if she had no idea her little girl was on 43rd St and 9th Ave, but she was thankful we called. We left the phone at the front desk and went on about our way.
So I"m feeling good about my Karma. Not really sure what it is or how or why I believe in it. Is Karma really a balancing of the universe - the good or bad done by me will come back to me in some form or fashion. When I really think about that, it doesn't seem right.
What about the women in Darfur? Raped, beaten, husbands and sons killed, daughters raped, homes burned to the ground. Exiled from their land. What did they do to get their karma?
What about all those people who sat in shit in the superdome? What did they do to the universe to deserve such misfortune?
What is the universe trying to tell these people? Or is the message for the rest of us?
When the grocery cashier gives me too much change, I always return it. Does that mean I won't get hit by a bus?
What is a proportional response?
What do I have to give the universe in order to get back - let's say - a Faberge Egg.
I'm not even sure what a Faberge Egg is worth or where to get one or where I'd unload it. But I know they're rare and valuable.
I want peace in the world. I want George Bush and his war loving cronies out of office. I want to write the great American novel, that turns into the great American screenplay, that becomes the great American Broadway musical, that becomes the great American TV series.
I want my son to grow up happy and healthy. I want to grow old with Roz.
How many phones do I have to return to get all of that?
Hey Craig
Once again I loved reading your blog! I feel like
they are getting better and better (not that they were
ever bad, but you seam to be exploring so many more
intimate yet universal and complex things, ) It is
interesting that you mentioned Karma and the case of
certain African groups. As you may know I was born in
Africa. Sometimes when I go back there, or I hear
what is going on over there I get so angry and bitter.
I wonder about Africa/Africans and our unfortunate
situation. Maybe the Karma thing does not apply to
that Continent - at least not in this present system.
Sometimes in order for me to not chalk things up to:
"God hates us" (Africans) I have to think "I guess
he's just saving the best for last." I dunnknow....
P.S. Please keep at the work, It is truly inspiring.
I love your updates. I really look forward to them. I like your oneupmanship
Maybe Karma is all about being with the one you love, raising your family with love, and hoping...just wishing that everyone can expect, demand they will have the same. Robin N
Hi Craig,
The same thing just happened to me last week. I was on the train and found someone's cell. She eventually called and we met up. She tried to offer me money, but I didn't take. It just felt good to help someone who would have been lost without their phone.
But, I totally believe in karma. I've seen it come back to people many times. And the rule is it comes back to you within five years the latest.
As for the suffering in this world, I don't think that this has anything to do with karma. I read somewhere that we are all here to learn a lesson through having good and bad experiences. Even still I too feel pain for those that struggle with the basic needs of life, like a place to live and food eat. While we have people in this country that will buy a pair of jean for $1000. Where is the balance in life?
Hey U,
So much fun reading your thoughts. We've all been there, we parents. Learning as we go along. Trying not to make the same mistakes our parents did. Love 'em, no need to hurt them into understanding. Talk to them. They'll understand eventually. It will sink in...Eventually...;)
My kids are a bit older now, but I still remember the worries and concerns of...Are my kids okay...Are they making strides in a timely fashion..Oh, the pressure to keep up!..But you know, it's all about loving them and doing everything with good intensions. And trusting that you're doing the right thing, because nobody can parent your child better than you and Roz. Or love your child better than You & Roz. And so far, all of your instincts are right, as far as I'm concerned.
Regarding Karma...I think it doesn't hurt to believe that it works... It works for me....Sometimes...;)
Love You All,
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