Look at him, he's only 4, 5 next month. He looks like he's about 37 years old. It's been a rough few months on the boy. He had a fever spell lasted about 4 or 5 days, maybe swine flu, doctor was too scared to tell us. Then he busted his lips at summer camp. He slammed his little fingers in something, the tips were black and blue for a couple weeks. Then an inner ear infection, left ear smelled like vomit. Got that cleared up with some antibiotics. Then right on the heals of that was an outer ear infection, some skin rash on his earlobe gone haywire. Required hospitalization for a couple days while they pumped him full of antibiotics via IV. I won't bore you with the details of how much fun it's not trying to set up an IV in the arm of a four year old. But Coleman took it like a champ, they immobilized his arm with a splint so the IV wouldn't come out and Coleman dealt with that splint like it was part of his arm. I was so proud. I was really proud of how brave my boy was.