This whole pre-preschool thing is giving me a migraine. (Not really, I'm just being dramatic.) But seriously folks. Was it this complicated when we were kids? We're in a co-op preschool situation, which basically means you still have to pay, but you have to help do a lot of the grunt crap work in order to defray costs. Meaning we don't pay enough to hire people to do everything that needs to be done, so you have to pitch in.
My beef is we have to give 3 fundraising hours, if we don't, we have to pay an additional $150 or $50 for every hour we don't fulfill. So today I went to fulfill our last hour at a street fair where our school had a little booth. I promise you that if you added up everything that they had to sell in our booth it wouldn't come near $150. The hour I served, there were 3 other parents, if each one of us took a Jackson out of our pockets, we could have bought the whole lot and called it a day.
I'm really not sure what the point is of this fundraising effort, if it really isn't going to fundraise anything significant. And some of the parents are working sooooo hard. Lifting and organizing and labeling and transporting bins and buckets full of crap. It's a beautiful glorious Saturday in New York. If you've been working or hustling all week, wouldn't this day be better spent in the park with your family or beach or museum or just sitting on the couch watching baseball or golf or whatever floats your boat.
I don't want any of the parents or school leaders to be offended. I doubt they'll read this blog, they're too busy standing on a hot assed street corner trying to unload 50 hair ribbons for a $1.