Real men don't cry. I thought about my son being hurt and I cried. I thought about how helpless I felt and I cried, I thought about his little body lying on that big girney and I cried. But somewhere deep down, I felt it was kinda wrong, kinda silly, kinda unmanly.
On a recent episode of the Sopranos, Tony had to bail his son AJ out of jail. In the parking lot Tony slammed AJ up against the car and told him what a disappoint he was, AJ started to cry. Tony got even madder "don't you fuckin cry, don't you dare fuckin cry." If a fictitious mob bosses son can't cry - who can?
So it's OK to steal, but don't cry.
Sell drugs, but don't cry.
Kill, whack, bump off, eliminate, shoot, stab, decapitate, poison, burn, bury, drown - but don't cry.
Why don't men value the tear?
I think it's women!!
Some women say they want a man who will cry, but I've been out there in the jungle and I know a well placed tear can get you very far, but too many is a turn off.
It can be the difference between getting some pussy or just being called one.
What's the big deal, it's just tears, just an involuntary bodily reaction, like laughing or farting.
If left up to men, I think farting would be a more acceptable display of emotion.
If your puppy gets runover by a bus, fart.
At your grandmothers funeral, lift up that right leg and let em go till you feel better.
Men need to find some kind of release. Hezbolah is bombing Israel, Israel is bombing Lebannon. Soon the Syrians and the Iranians will join in bombing Israel. We'll have to help Israel - while still bombing Iraq and with our foot on the neck of Afghanistan. North Korea is throwing bombs into the sea. China will have to respond sooner or later. I can't even think about whats going on in Darfur - apparently neither can the rest of the world.
All this war stems from the evil that men do. Not women.
I want my boy to retain his compassion, I don't want it dared out of him or scared out of him or beat out of him.
Let's teach our boys to fart their way through conflict. No more wars. The next generation will be able to sit down in a room and break wind together.